I don’t teach or instruct children to ski.
I professionally support children with their skiing, while they learn to ski.
I provide them with the right clothing, equipment, environment and the right care and attention.
The right energy and that magical ski vibe.
I believe that children are biologically created to learn to ski themselves, and they do it joyfully through play,
by asking questions and with their innate desire to explore and have fun.
They intuitively know how to absorb knowledge, skills and experiences
and when they start skiing early they have the power to teach themselves to ski naturally,
similar to how they learnt to walk naturally.
Skiing is an open, free sport where we are free to move and play with the mountains.
An active natural and accomplished adult skier is constantly in and out of balance, linking recoveries and moving with the mountain.
We want our children to become fun, free and natural skiers and for them to enjoy each moment in their own timing and flow.
We want to encourage them to move their feet and feel and play with the mountain and snow beneath their skis.
We want them to know that the only reason that we ski is
When your child first learnt to walk,
you helped and supported them with every step,
but you knew inside that they already knew how to do it,
they just needed your love, support and care to figure it all out.
Well skiing is similar but this time equiptment is needed and a professional and experienced safe hand.